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This Week in PMS Clan: October 26, 2020

This week’s an exciting one! Why? Because it’s a new week and a whole new This Week article filled with stuff you may or may not know about. Tell your friends.

Meet our new Community Engagement Team Member: PMS KrFtYAssaS1N

Say hi to PMS KrFtYAssaS1N, the latest to join our Operations Team! She’ll be working closely with the rest of CET in putting out events for the PMS Clan community! She’s currently one of the Experience Managers for the Call of Duty division, and I may be pretty biased (*cough* she works with me as the other Experience Manager *cough*), but she’s fun and eager to do more for the PMS Clan.

Here’s a bit of what she wants to work on as part of the team: “I want to do more throwback game nights, more tournaments throughout various games. Find more ways to increase participation in the CGN's from the community. Maybe take on games that no one may think of taking on. Ark would be a fun one to me. I would also like to do more ladies nights and even have some for the fellas too!”

If you’re interested in helping out and padding that resume a bit more, consider joining our operations team! We have positions open for our Twitch Team, Community Engagement Team, Social Media Team, and our Editorial Team. Check them all out and apply today!

Like free money? Want to do good? Good news for you -- you can do both with our annual Halloween photo costume contest! This year, there's more ways you can win. We’re not only taking submissions of your rad get ups, but also you can take a snapshot of you donating blood at your local blood bank for a chance to win BIG MONEY! That’s Amazon gift cards BIG MONEY! Prize money includes: $100, $50, and $25!

Read more about it here and participate today!

We’re a couple weeks away from our Extra Life events, but that doesn’t mean it’s too early for you to donate or help out! Spread the word, join our Extra Life team, or donate today! Find out more about our Extra Life efforts here.

Discord Quote of the Week

Some of us love coffee. Some of us prefer tea. Some of us take our cup of joe as is, while others pour a whole tub of sugar in it. If you whisper “coffee” in any of our Discord channels, someone will wake up from their dark depths and strike up a rousing conversation about what’s the best kind...or the best alternative to coffee. This week’s quote, well, it’s just an ode to coffee in gif form as there’s too many gems to choose from.

I need coffee

Tell us what’s your poison on Discord and I guarantee you’ll have a swarm of folks non-stop talking to you about what warm pick-me-up fuels their day.

Division Sessions

We have quite a few divisions, with a lot more folks playing at random times. If structure’s more of your thing, check out the division schedules below! You can attend any of our scheduled sessions, just hit up the captains on Discord and be like, “Hey. What up? Invite please!”

Come back next week, same time, same place!

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