April has been nominated by the CET for January’s Staff Member of the Month for her efforts recruiting for her division! We see her pulling people in all the time from Reddit and we would just like to show our appreciation for everything you do as a Division Leader for our Dead By Daylight Division! Keep up the awesome work!
We asked her some questions to get to know her a little better...
1. How did you hear about PMS Clan and what made you decide to join?
My fiance was in the Clan first and bugged me for WEEKS to give it a shot. I finally came to a Valorant session and joined shortly after. After years of having toxic interactions with online games, I loved how enjoyable playing with the Clan made it.
2. Was there a specific experience you had that made you want to become a manager?
I knew when the DBD division was in trial that I wanted to be apart of the management side of it. I've played/followed this game since it came out, so I knew my passion for the game would carry over into my management style.
3. What inspires you to achieve your goals for the community?
My love for this division, wanting to see it grow into something more amazing than it already is, seeing what we're accomplishing already and making moves toward the future.
4. What's the best part of what you do here?
Just being in the sessions and having such a good time, especially when we're doing custom lobbies with everyone. It's really something to be spectating the matches and seeing everyone enjoying themselves.
5. What's your favorite memory/experience in PMS?
This one was hard. We play a lot of games together, but I think I got it. Witnessing Azrael throw a hatchet cross-map, blinded by a cornfield and hitting Azula will hands down be my favorite thing ever. There's a clip of it, hilarious every time. (Link to clip)
6. What is your favorite TV show/Anime?
TV show: Criminal Minds; Anime: Naruto (currently)
7. What is the first game you fell in love with?
Assassin's Creed III
8. What are your top 3 favorite albums?
Circles - Mac Miller
Silver Scream - Ice Nine Kills
Brand New Eyes - Paramore
9. What is the meaning behind your username?
I've actually had this name for 10 years now. AssassinKhal is a mix of my all time favorite things, Assassin's Creed and Game of Thrones (Khal Drogo was my favorite at the time)
10. What's your favorite video game related thing that's not a videogame?
I have this beautiful Skyrim inspired watercolor painting
We’ve reached out to her division and asked around. We heard some wonderful things!
Callisto H2O - April is amazing to have as a division leader, she is always willing to help everyone and is the perfect balance of professional and friendly.
PMS CatzuZ - She's awesome and epic person :3
H2O Ironhide - I appreciate the hard work you put in for the division, you're amazing!
Azrael PMS - April is awesome! She has honestly stepped up and really made an effort to grow, not only our division, but the clan as well. She has brought in so many new recruits and even as a Division Leader holds the majority of our sessions. She's always such a positive person and willing to help anyone learn and/or teach new things within our division.
PMS PulseFireAzula - April has amazing work ethic and keeps me sane when I feel like I'm a sec from ripping my hair out. She is consistently working with me to problem solve when ever needed.
H2O Nordic - I haven't played with her a ton, but from our few interactions she is very friendly except when she kills me in game, in which case she is savage lol
