Some serious movements reignited last month, and we had to address some of it. Click the images below to read what we had to say about the Black Lives Matter and the SpeakOut and MeToo movements.
Upcoming Events

July 11th - Valorant
Community Game Night on Valorant for PC at 8 PM EST.

July 18th - Destiny 2 PS4
Community Game Night for Destiny 2 for PS4 at 9 PM EST.

July 24th - Human Fall Flat
Community Game Night for Human Fall Flat on PS4 at 9 PM EST.

July 31st - Gears of War
Community Game Night for Gears of War on PC & Xbox at 8 PM EST.
News & Announcements

Pet Day Collage National Pet Photo Day is Saturday, July 11, 2020. To celebrate our furry companions, PMS Clan is putting together a collage of our members pets. To participate, post a picture of your pets in the #animals_galore channel on our Discord server.

Charity Streams Our Stream Team is organizing more charity streams throughout the year. We're always looking for more people to help, and you don't have to be a part of the Stream Team to volunteer. Want to help? Post in the #help_and_support channel on our Discord server. Also, keep an eye on our Announcements to get more details on 2 upcoming charity streams at the end of the month!

PMS Clan Handbook Updates One of our missions is to provide a safe space for all of our members. To maintain our safe environment, we're updating our handbook regarding reported issues and how they are rectified. Once our changes are finalized, we'll make an Announcement to everyone.

Open Volunteer Positions We still have some open volunteer positions (you must have your full rights within the clan to apply): Twitch Team Community Engagement Team Social Media Team Editorial Team